Today; Thursday 10th September marks World Suicide Prevention Day 2020. World Suicide Prevention day happens on an annual basis to increase the awareness, establish worldwide commitment as well as actions on suicide prevention.
The below article will give you more of an insight into what World Suicide Prevention Day is about and the importance in raising the awareness around it. The article will also give you some ideas on what you can do to help with your mental health. The information below has been taken from ‘Mates In Mind’ and the ‘National Suicide Prevention Alliance’ website.
Sadly in 2018 alone it was recorded that 6,507 suicides were registered in the UK. This is why it is so important that the conversation is opened up and suicide prevention is talked about on a much larger scale than what it currently is.
We at BSA as well as supporting Mates in Mind and many other charity’s and organisations, believe breaking the silence and stigma around mental health is an extremely important step towards having a healthy workplace environment. Honest and open communications about mental health have also been identified through research which plays a vital role in suicide prevention.

Sometimes people can feel vulnerable or distressed, having a strong sense of connection is an important part of suicide prevention.
Being distracted from suicidal thoughts and engaging in different tasks can help as it takes time away from the difficulties people may be facing and can often help to lift the mood at whatever level or intensity.
Below is a range of ideas on ways of connecting:
Connecting with nature
Connecting with the arts
Connecting with yourself
Connecting with suicide prevention
Connecting with neighbours
Connecting with communities
Connecting with friends and family
Connecting with colleagues
Further Support & Guidance
National Suicide Prevention Alliance Website:
Mates In Mind- Article On World Suicide Prevention Day:
It’s important that we always look after ourselves and each other, especially during these unprecedented times.
Workplaces across the UK are being encouraged to use this opportunity to #StartTheConversation within your workplace, so get the conversation started now!
Bernard Sims Associates