When the CDM regs came into force in April 2015, Transitional Arrangements were made for projects that were already in the process of being designed before 6th April and expected to continue beyond then. The transitional arrangements for example have allowed for CDM coordinator’s who had already been appointed to continue with those services until 5th October.  However, if a CDM Coordinator had not been appointed by 5th April, a Principal Designer must have been appointed.

These Transitional Arrangements will end on October 5th 2015 and the full provisions of the CDM 2015 regulations must be applied from October 6th 2015 onwards.

Typically, this will mean appointing a Principal Designer (PD) to take on duties previously performed by the CDMC and also assisting Clients with those additional duties that the Client now has. Those projects that did not previously need a CDM Coordinator (as either under the notifiable threshold or domestic construction work) will now need to appoint a PD if they have more than one contractor and are to continue beyond 6th October. Although BSA CDM Coordinators are already fully trained and equipped as PDs, other CDM companies may not be taking on the role of Principal Designer so it is best to check.

Principal Contractors under 2007 Regs will continue to be Principal Contractors under 2015 Regs – however their duties will be as per the 2015 Regs (see below).

Where projects have been notified under the 2007 Regs, the notification will be sufficient for the 2015 Regs.  Where Pre Contract Information (PCI) has been provided under 2007 Regs, it should be sufficient for the 2015 Regs.

For more information about the new Duty Holders and their Duties see Duty Holders and Their Duties under CDM 2015

For more details about the transitional arrangements see Part 5, Reg 37 of HSE document HSE – Managing Health and Safety in Construction (Use the index to navigate to the correct page!)

…or just call Bernard Sims Associates in Guildford, Surrey on 01483 467270 or e-mail Our Leeds / Garforth office is tel 0113 2869084.