The article below will provide you with background to a gas explosion which fatally injured a worker and seriously injured another after work had been carried out by an asbestos removal contractor.
It will provide you with details of the incident, the consequences faced and the view of the HSE.
The information below has been taken directly from the HSE article ‘Company fined following a fatal gas explosion’
Details of the Incident
The incident occurred on the 5th of October 2017 when workers were removing a boiler and pipework, and over spraying walls to remove asbestos residue, at the former Pastoral Centre in Bonkle Road, Newmains in Wishaw.
The work was being carried out prior to demolition. The strategy for undertaking the works was to cut the boiler and pipework into sections to make it easier to remove. However, the method was fundamentally flawed leading to this appalling tragedy. The gas supply had not been isolated; the workers cut through a live gas outlet pipe; the gas ignited which then caused an explosion.
There were two workers on the job and they both received extensive burns to their body and underwent surgery. Sadly, one of the employees lost their life in hospital several days after the incident.
After the incident an investigation took place by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). During the investigation, the HSE identified that the risk assessment and plan of work for the job had identified services were present in the boiler room, but the company failed to ensure the gas pipe was isolated and purged of gas before work commenced.
The Consequences
Enviraz (Scotland) Limited of Kelvin Avenue, Hillington Business Park, Glasgow pleaded guilty to breaching Section 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. The company was fined £150,000.

View from the HSE
Helen Diamond a HSE inspector spoke after the hearing and said “This incident could so easily have been avoided if the company had ensured that the gas pipe in the boiler room had been isolated and purged prior to removal. Within the asbestos licensing permissioning regime, HSE expects licensed contractors to have adequate management arrangements in place to control non-asbestos risks”.
She added “Given the potential consequences of using a power tool on live or unpurged pipework, the management system to establish the status of the pipework needs to be robust and there should be written confirmation of isolation.”
“Tragically, one man has lost his life as a result of this incident and a second worker has sustained life-changing injuries.”

This incident that occurred was a preventable tragedy and really does highlight the importance of planning and reviewing before undertaking any works.