Returning to work safely in the New Year and remaining safe is surely everybody’s intention. Statistically, however, there are more accidents and broader health and safety problems following breaks. This includes Mondays after just a 2 day break. Added to that we now have the new variant strain of Covid 19 which we are informed is more transmissible than before.
Reminding employees of the measures necessary to limit and prevent transmission can only help to get everybody through the next few months until the vaccination programme begins to take effect.

For those in construction the CITB have produced a free e-learning course targeted at Site Managers and Supervisors. It covers the hazards and risks associated with Covid-19, the current legislation and distancing rules. It continues with general site measures and the wider protection and arrangements outside of sites. At the end there is a summary and a test. If taken the course will confirm peoples understanding and evidence this with the test at the end.
Please find the link below to take your directly to the e-course:
We would recommend that construction companies encourage employees to invest the time in this which can only help in protecting them and those that they are managing.
For non-construction companies Bernard Sims Associates recommend that existing risk assessments and measures that were put in place in 2020 be revisited and revised if found necessary. Returning employees may well benefit from an induction as a timely reminder.

Remember BSA are here to help you!
We like many others have had to make changes to the business in order to keep our workforce and others safe.
Here is a selection of our services that could help ensure that you and your workforce our protected:
-Returning to Work Safely Packages
-COVID-19 Risk Assessments
-Health & Safety Policy Updates
For more information please click on the link below which will take your directly to our COVID help page:
You can also call us on 01483 467270 where we will be more than happy to help.
Keep safe everybody and let’s get through this nasty pandemic.
Bernard Sims Associates