Health and Safety Advice and Consultancy
BSA will work with you to help create and implement your health & safety management process and plans:
We can review and advise upon health and safety management processes for organisations of all sizes. We help give directors and senior managers vital protection against possible legal actions, including corporate manslaughter, and support companies in implementing and promoting good health and safety processes and best practice.
On a more ‘day to day’ basis, we carry out risk assessments and eliminate, reduce or set out how residual risk might be managed so that people stay healthier and safer. In other words, we can create safety policies and procedures for your company to help make your employees, customers, visitors and the public safer whilst we ‘keep you legal’.
The “keeping you legal” bit can be quite a challenge but at its heart is the principle that anyone organising anything has a duty of care to everyone else who might be affected. This duty of care is reflected in the ‘enabling act’ – the 1974 Health & Safety at Work Act and the many different pieces of legislation and health & safety regulations that have developed since then.
We can also give advice and support if you’re served with a notice by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or other statutory authority.
If you want to know more – phone our head office on 01483 467270 during office hours.