Principal Designer Assist
Some designers or clients prefer to retain the title and responsibilities of Principal Designer (PD) themselves, but need support in carrying out the practical duties. As experienced PDs, we’re ideally placed to help with planning, managing, monitoring and coordinating health and safety in the project’s pre-construction phase.
We can help by:
- Identifying, eliminating or controlling foreseeable risks
- Assisting in ensuring other designers carry out their duties
- Preparing and providing relevant information to other duty holders
- Assisting in liaising with the Principal Contractor to help in the planning, management, monitoring and coordination of the construction phase
We can get involved at any point in the project from feasibility and design development, through construction to the post-construction phase. At the outset, we’ll agree tasks between each party and provide a checklist to ensure all requirements are met.
Experience shows that the earlier we’re engaged, full compliance is achieved and potential delays and unnecessary costs are avoided. Designing in health and safety from the start means potential problems, issues and delays can be minimised, if not entirely avoided.
For more information, please call BSA on 01483 467 270 or talk to your regular BSA contact.

To view the HSE guidance on the legal requirements of CDM 2015
To access the CDM 2015 CITB guidance for Principal Designer
To find out more about specific training or updates,
please contact us at bsims@bsims.co.uk
or call us on 01483 467270.