The HSE defines Temporary Works (TW) as the parts of a construction project that are needed to enable the permanent works to be built.  Usually the TW are removed after use – e.g. access scaffolds, props, shoring, excavation support, falsework and formwork, etc.  Sometimes the TW is incorporated into the permanent works – e.g. haul road foundations and crane or piling platforms may be used for hard standing or road foundations.

Establishing Temporary Works can be the most hazardous stage of a construction project – for example installing a scaffold or roof top guard rail could involve particular danger while it is being installed. The design and planning of Temporary Works are very significant in managing the safety during construction, e.g. a tower crane base needs to be absolutely stable.
BS5975 breaks Temporary Works into four categories.

The HSE has extensive guidance about the management of Temporary Works and quotes BS5975 (2008, Amended 2011). This is not mandatory however, it represents the industry consensus on best practice.

By combining experience and learning from issues that others have faced, the Temporary Works Forum created in 2010 is another resource. This includes detailed guidance for Clients as well as a catalogue of historical failures.
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